Libor Pesek on iTunes

Pere Porta Concerts S.L.
La Granada del Penedès 18-20; 4º-2ª
08006 Barcelona
Fon: +34 932 175 228
Fax: +34 932 370 694
Pesek Libor
direttore d'orchestra

Czech conductor Libor Pesek is Music Director of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as Principal Guest Conductor of the Praque Symphony Orchestra and President of the Prague Spring Festival.\n\nIn the United States he conducts, amongst others, the Philadelphia and Cleveland Orchestras, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, and Minnesota Symphonies; in Europe, the Orchestre National de France the Orchestre de Paris, the Orchestre National du Capitol de Toulouse, La Scala, Milan, the Oslo and Stockholm Philharmonics, the Danish and Finnish RSO and the Budapest Festival Orchestra.\n\nRenowned for his interpretations of Czech repertoire, Pesek's recordings for Virgin Classics include the complete Dvorak Symphonies, and works by Strauss, Smetana, Mahler, Profokiev, Suk, Martinu und Janacek.




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