Denis Krief on iTunes

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Krief Denis

Denis Krief was recently awarded the Abbiati Prize for Best Stage Director of the year 2000, for the «magnificent dramatic power through the renunciation of the traditional operatic means» showed in his productions of Lucia di Lammermoor.

Denis Krief has recently gained immediate recognition for his direction, choices of lights and costumes in the new production of Moses und Aaron at the Teatro Massimo di Palermo.

Prestigious was also his recent staging of Prova d'orchestra at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma and in Ferrara and Modena, and of the première of The death of Klinghoffer at the Teatro Comunale di Ferrara.

Denis Krief will return to the Teatro Comunale di Bologna for Un ballo in maschera and Die Fledermaus, and will direct La traviata al Teatro Massimo Bellini di Catania.

Highlights of his past engagements include the new production of Linda di Chamounix at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna, La clemenza di Tito at the Teatro Comunale di Ferrara (1998), Britten's A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma (1999), Carmen at the Teatro Lirico di Spoleto, Turandot by Busoni and Puccini in Sassari. More recently, he was invited by the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari as the director of Lucia di Lammermoor (subsequently revisited at the Teatro di San Carlo di Napoli), of the Italian première of Die Aegiptische Helena, as well as of new productions of Aida and Il barbiere di Siviglia.

In 1993, Denis Krief made his debut at the Opéra Bastille de Paris with Benvenuto Cellini by Berlioz, enjoying outstanding success and enthusiastic approvals. During the same year he moved to Italy, starting successful collaborations with some of the most important theatrical institutions of the country.

After studying singing and piano in Paris, Denis Krief has gradually focused his attention on stage design and direction. Since 1985 he has been invited by the most prestigious theatrical institutions in Italy and abroad.




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