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Trauboth Andrea

 For years guest performances have been taking Andrea Trauboth to such internationally renowned opera houses as the Scala di Milano ,the Teatro Communale di Bologna , the Marseille Opera , the Royal Theatre of Copenhagen, the Bavarian and the Hamburg State Opera, the Semper Opera Dresden, the Vienna Popular Opera, the Komische Oper and the State Opera Berlin, the Frankfort Opera, the Stuttgart State Opera, the Mannheim National Theatre, the Basle Theatre, the Flemish Opera Antwerp and to South America.

While still at school in Munich , Andrea Trauboth studied piano and singing. After graduating High School, she completed studies in Music and Theatre Arts at the Ludwig – Maximilianeum -University in Munich. Simultaneously, she got her first engagement at the Bavarian State Opera in Munich, being the youngest member of the opera house.

After her time in Munich, Andrea Trauboth was offered a two-year engagement at the Dortmund City Theatre. This brought her to the eager attention of Günter Krämer, who subsequently engaged her at the Cologne Opera House. Here, she personified several big roles like AGATHE in ‘Der Freischütz’, LAURA in ‘News of the Day’ or FREIA in ‘Das Rheingold’ under the baton of James Conlon.
Andrea Trauboths repertoire also includes parts like EVA in ‘Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg’, ELSA in ‘Lohengrin’, ARABELLA, CHRYSOTHEMIS in ‘Elektra’, LEONORE in ‘Fidelio’, KATJA KABANOVA or RUSALKA, just no name a few.

The soprano is also much sought-after as a concert singer in gala concerts on international stages. Hereby she can refer to co-operations with the Philharmonic Orchestras of Berlin, Bonn, Cologne, and Stuttgart and could be admired in concerts at the Teatro Real in Madrid, in Rome and Milan, at the Teatro Verdi in Trieste, the Cardiff Hall in Wales, in Luxembourg and France and at the Festivals of Cuenca, Santander and Wroclav.

The many distinguished conductors and directors with whom Andrea Trauboth performs include Simone Young, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Carlos Kleiber, Horst Stein, Heinrich Hollreiser, Rafael Frühbeck de Bourgos, Dennis Russell Davies, Marik Janowski, Gustav Kuhn, James Conlon, Marcello Viotti, Riccardo Chailly, Harry Kupfer, Günter Krämer, August Everding, Kurt Horres, Christine Mielitz and Andreas Homoki.

Apart from her stage and concert activities Andrea Trauboth is also very much in demand as music educator, regularly giving master classes in Germany and oversee.

Besides, the artist co-operated in radio recordings of all the important German radio stations and some of her performances were shown on BBC, ZDF and RAI (Rome and Milan). Moreover the soprano has a vast discography.



Via B. d'Alviano 71
IT-20146 Milano MI
+39 02 415 62 26 Fon
+39 02 415 62 29 Fax
Pia Parisi, Milano, CEO
Simona Novoselac, Zürich, CFO
Bruno Franzen, Zürich, COO
Simona Marconi, Roma, PR

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