Zdenka Ziková on iTunes

Ziková Zdenka

Born in Prague, Zdenka Ziková was a member of the Slovenian and Croatian National Theater corps from 1922 to 1928, then four seasons a regular soloist with the National Theater in Prague. From 1932 to 1937 she sang with the Vienna State Opera, then from 1940 to 1959 she was a leading member of the corps of the National Theater in Belgrade. She performed as a guest with many European opera houses in leading roles for young dramatic and dramatic sopranos. Puccini's Tosca, in which role she appeared in the New German Theater in 1937, was one of her showcase roles. She enchanted audiences not only with the richness and harmony of her expressive means but with her wonderful stage presence, reinforced in this role by the singer's own jewelry. She was also an important vocal pedagogue.




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