Gottfried Grünewald on iTunes

Grünewald Gottfried

In 1703 he appeared with the Hamburg Opera. The same year his opera Der ungetreue Schäfer Cardillo (lost) was given in Leipzig, and in 1704 another opera, Germanicus (also lost), was performed there with the composer singing the title role. It was repeated in Hamburg and Naumburg the same year, and another performance is recorded in Leipzig in 1720. Between 1709 and 1711 he acted as vice-Kapellmeister and chamber singer at the court of Weissenfels, serving under J. P. Krieger, and from about 1713 he was employed at the court at Darmstadt as vice-Kapellmeister, composing many church cantatas. In 1717 he toured parts of Germany as a soloist on the pantaleon. He was a close friend of Christoph Grapner; Noack conjectured that Graupner wrote the leading role in his opera Costanze vince l'inganno for him.




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