Walter Pagliaro on iTunes

Stage Door
Via San Giorgio, 4
40121 Bologna BO
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Pagliaro Walter

Graduated in stage direction at the Accademia d'Arte Drammatica «Silvio D'Amico» in Rome and in Architecture at the University of Florence, he made his theatrical apprenticeship as pupil and assistant of Giorgio Strehler.

From 1978 he staged over sixty theatre productions, among which Aspettando Godot by Beckett, L'illusion comique by Corneille, Mon Faust by Valery, Filoctète by Gide and Stella by Goethe at the Piccolo Teatro di Milano, Scene di caccia in bassa Baviera by Speer for the Ater, Il principe di Homburg and Anfitrione by Kleist at the Teatro Stabile di Genova, Filottete and Antigone by Sofocle, Tieste by Seneca, Le baccanti by Euripide at the Teatro Greco di Siracusa, La cagnotte by Labiche Il malinteso by Camus and Porta chiusa by Sartre at the Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria, Timone d'Atene by Shakespeare at the Teatro Stabile di Torino, Come tu mi vuoi by Pirandello and Bérénice by Racine at the Théâtre de Genève.

In the field of the musical theatre he staged some new productions, such as Paride ed Elena by Gluck at the Teatro Olimpico di Vicenza, Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda at the Palazzo Te di Mantova, the Teatro Za Prahu of Prague, and in an European tour that included Wien and Budapest, Acis e Galatea at the Teatro Vittorio Emanuele di Messina, La Bohème at the Macerata Opera Festival, La clemenza di Tito at the National Theatre of Prague, La molinara by Paisiello and La brocca rotta by Flavio Testi at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Madama Butterfly at the Teatro Comunale di Treviso.

Since 1996 Walter Pagliaro is the artistic director of the Teatro della Villa di Roma. With this Company he is currently developing programs dedicated to Sofocle (among which Elettra), Pirandello (among which Vestire gli ignudi), Schnitzler and Ibsen (The doll's house).

His most recent stagings include a new production of Storia di una gabbianella (a play originated from a novel by the Chilean writer Luís Sepúlveda) at the Piccolo Teatro di Milano, Il Crepuscolo degli dei at the Teatro Verdi di Trieste, La battaglia di Legnano at the Teatro Massimo Bellini di Catania and his debut in Germany with a new production of Falstaff at the Oper Frankfurt under the baton of Paolo Carignani.




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